Ready for a night of the devil's drink? Scared you'll loose the crowd? FEAR NOT MY UNDEAD FRIENDS. Refer to this handy map for all your zombie crawl needs, or simply follow us on Twitter for up to the minute relays of the where and what and how and who are you's? of the night. @SFZombieCrawl
to follow this approximate schedule:
7pm - R Bar
8:30 - Kimo's
10:00 - Shanghai Kelly's
11:30 - Cafe Royale
Please be patient; As much as your hoarde master will try to keep everyone on schedule, zombies have a tendency to move slow (especially after a few drinks).
After Cafe Royale, there is no more "scheduled" stops, but don't let that stop you from planning some extra stops on the way home. All bars SF Zombie Crawl has contacted were very open to zombie madness, but only these 3 were willing to give us cheaper booze....! So, explore the city and have a great time! Maybe some friends you met on the trip will join you....!
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